Upgrade Service
- Upgrade
- Clockup
- Newton MessagePad 130 to 24MHz
- Newton MessagePad
2000/2100 to
- Newton MessagePad 2000 to
2100 (4MB RAM)
- iMac, iBook, PowerBook G3 to 10-20% clockup (from $99)
(ex. iBook to 366MHz. $149)
- PM6100と7100/66 to 20%
PCI BoosterTM
Let you upgrade your
588/630/640/52XX/53XX/62XX/63XX(except PCI
type 6360) and Pioneer LX100/200 Computers
with the latest PCI PowerPC
603e/120MHz〜603ev/300MHz Logic Boards. You
can also add a G3 accelerator on the new logic
board to upgrade it. Simply add the PCI
Booster into the connection between the power
supply and the logic board. Any one can do it
in several minutes. RSP